Friday, June 13, 2008



Woke up lazy minded, which was evident throughout the whole session. Very unorganised in comparsion to [10/06/08], feeling lack of motivation from my side (most probably because tidyness/organisation is lacking often).

Muscle sores from previous session were still present, but on a very low scale, did affect the whole thing on a very mininal scale, but did not create any discomfort.

~Stretching (about 20mins)
~Warmup: 1x Jog Around University. (30secs walk about half way through it, slowly gaining more endurance/cardio. Need to teach myself again breathing methods for running)
~Rested + Jogged to spot mentioned below. (5mins, increasing stamina slowly.)
~About 40 Vaults + landings. (Varied techniques, only about 3 landings felt uncomfortable.)
~ Over 50 precisions (Performed throughout the whole session, found a track with 4" to 5" gaps for balance/precision training.)
~Over 20 dips, 20 pushups (varied), 2 reps of upside-down wall things, 15 hanging push-ups, small set of about 10 sit ups.

Learned how to do an effective tic-tac > catleap> wall climb. (Need to build more upper-body strenght.) Wall was a bit too high for my current strenght, so was very hard to overcome.

Maybe should start planning sessions before we actually go out, and then modify depending on weather and mental situation on the day. I'll think about something soon.

> Toe-landings are near to perfection. Felt only discomfort for, maybe, just 4 landings. Should start pracisting roll seriously soon.

> Need to regain confidence between my mind and body(synch), wasn't sure about my body's ability even after I did perform jumps perfectly.

> Most probably I'll start going for sessions alone to practise more mentally inclined exercises, like technique for vaults, precisions, balance and rolls.

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