Monday, June 16, 2008



Unlike [13/06/08] I woke up quite energetic, and ate before --which made a great difference on the mental state I was in. Will keep to this pattern, as it is the most logical to have a good outcome.

The session was full of people, Aidan(redhead), Hannah & Gabby. With a newcomer, Benjamin, which seems keen to start, but wasn't in the position to train well on the day (had ninjitsu training after, and was dressed in jeans etc). Session started off slowly, with an immediate minor but discomfort creating injury from my part.

~Stretching (about 20-30mins, more organized, starting from neck and going down)
~50 Catleaps (random injury to the ball of my left foot, had to perform much of the landings in a weird way, slowed me down alot and ruined my mental state)
~Randoms (knee-to-chests+landings, precisions & wall climbs)

Session was a bit too easy-going, but the mental state is there. Will definitly have a better session next time, this time minimizing distractions if I get no injuries (I seem prone to them).

> Bruise on ball of left foot, inner-right on the outside. Hurt quite alot, happened to me before, definitly must have been a bad landing.

>Achilles tendon of right foot hurts, must be a muscle strain. Already healing slowly, had to use it more, because of left foot injury.

> Not sure but knee feels weird, but not uncomfortable in anyway, I'll have to check about it.

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